Shannon lives in Los Angeles, California with his life partner, Film Writer/Director, Chris Peckover (UNDOCUMENTED , BETTER WATCH OUT). Originally from "The Music Show Capitol of the World," Branson, Missouri, starting at the tender age of 15, he danced, sang, and designed/constructed costumes for the Branson variety shows. He attended Undergraduate at Southwest Missouri State University where he studied Religious Philosophy, as well as Theatre Arts. At the age of 27, he started Graduate School in Fayetteville, Arkansas earning a Master of Fine Arts in Costume/Scenic Design and Construction. Along with all areas of costuming, Shannon is also an accomplished leather couturier who has created custom pieces for clients all over the world during his 30+ years as a Leathersmith. If you'd like to see some of his leatherwork, click the button below (FYI...this site displays some adult fetish content.) Shannon is currently a Manufacturing Foreperson with IATSE 705: Motion Picture Costumers Union .
Everything worn is an expression of inner psychology: what we want to show or what we want to hide. The goal is to visually communicate each character's story in collaboration with the creative team that has established the overall design aesthetic.